Employers! I don't care how successful you are or how long you've been in business - - This is very important to remember!!
In order for your business to be successful, you hire others for THEIR expertise.... So you can focus on your empire!!
Don't insult professionals and disrespect their abilities... Happy employees = happy owners = happy customers = SUCCESS!
When you start being arrogant and bossy, life will suck FOR YOU!
Be humble, appreciate your employees!
01/16/16 ~ RNR ~
~ RNR Wisdom #206 ~
When you give your life a chance to get in order BY ITSELF....... with NO HELP from your own dumb ass - - no bf's, no bs, etc., Life gets better, happier, stronger. Stay by yourself for a while or you will never get the most of YOU....
Get rid of your stupid, obnoxious, ugly thoughts of everyone. Start working on your own self, grow up, get a life and understand that life happens, you move on and you love EVEN MORE!! The past makes you, it should never break you - if it does, IT'S YOUR FAULT! . . . .
Everyone has battles - have compassion, YOU DON'T KNOW EVERYONE'S STORY, stop over thinking and just DO IT --- FORGIVE AND LOVE!
~~ FAITH, HOPE, LOVE, WISDOM, COURAGE, STRENGTH ~~ Life gets better with all these! I promise!
10/22/15 ~ RNR ~
~ RNR Wisdom #381 ~ I wish humans would be as accommodating as our feathered friends... taking their turn to lead the flock - instinctively!! Usually when people are tired and frustrated they let it out by being angry, because the people closest to them don't notice the stress surrounding them.
All we need is a little down time and someone to LEAD us when we are feeling drained and empty!!
Pacific Beach, San Diego, California
9/30/15 ~ RNR ~
~ RNR Wisdom #129 ~
It's called dating.... not "he's the love of my life and 'THE ONE'"
GEEEEEEEEEESH, you're on guy #105 and you're not even 26 yet. Your life has to have love mistakes, so you know what's NOT a mistake! 9/8/15 ~ RNR ~
Mission Concepcion, San Antonio, Texas
~ RNR Wisdom #613 ~
You don't like the fact that people have different opinions? #BeStrongMoveAlong! Don't get your panties all hiked up! EVERYONE can't be right like YOU! If you don't like what people say, you don't have to care so much about what they say and feel.... Worry About Your Own Self!! 9/2/15 ~ RNR ~
~ RNR Wisdom #258 ~
People feeling sorry for themselves AND talking about it constantly.....
If you are a person in this phase of life, I feel embarrassed for you that you have to talk about your appalling life constantly and feel the need for attention in that way.
There is positive attention and negative attention that we naturally require as human beings ......... and to feel the need for NEGATIVE attention is a quiet sign for help.
~ RNR ~
San Antonio RiverWalk
~ RNR Wisdom # 97 ~
I truly believe in timing and I truly believe people are so selfish that they take things into their own hands instead of trusting and having faith in what's meant to be....
and things get ruined by their own selfishness.
I've seen it happen. To me AND others
If you do things your way and mess up the timing of what's supposed to be.... you might ruin things forever 8/19/15 ~ RNR ~
~ RNR Wisdom #463 ~
If your friend doesn't like someone that you are friends with, that doesn't mean they're a bad person or that you should hate them.
There may be reasons you know nothing about. Even your friend can have a bitchy/dicky attitude.... IMAGINE THAT!!!!! (and you probably know that already!!)
Maybe the "hated one" is really the nice one!!! You don't like someone because of THEIR issues with YOUR friend.... That shows your immaturity, your opinions suck and you're a true FOLLOWER.... you'll never be a leader and think on your own...
THAT..... is the true beginning of being a qualified sheeple!
Once you start venturing out and making your own decisions about your friends, you will gain self esteem and soon enjoy making decisions about your life and your world.
Get enough courage to like or dislike people for them, not just because your friends say so.
~ RNR ~
~ RNR Wisdom #107 ~
A beautiful face and body - - - AIN'T NOTHIN'!
What really attracts men is the way a chick takes care of herself and her life, ON A CONTINUING BASIS!
After sharing your life with someone for a while and a woman shows signs of extreme financial distress, extreme drama and an extreme lack of self that was there WAY before they got together, it makes men wonder what they got themselves into and they will turn away emotionally.
Showing fake maturity/independence/cleanliness/financial freedom/employment/self-esteem, JUST to get a guy shows your immaturity. Independence is attractive to a man, but when you have to fake it to get IT, then it's not really independence at all - - it's co-dependence -- It's VERY low self-esteem -- It's sad!!
Guys will eventually find out what a mess you and your life is. Pretending your life is awesome, your independence, your "togetherness", your "no drama" . . . will all be figured out and 100% disappoint your guy.
He wasn't looking for a clingy damsel in distress.... he was looking for a chick that had her life together and finding out months or even years later that what he thought was a well-adjusted woman, is in fact, a complete tragic hot mess - - - - THAT IS heartbreaking! He will be bored, confused, frustrated and go find something else. He has his own life to take care of, why would he want to take care of yours?
MY ADVICE TO THE LITTLE GIRLS . . . grow up, be alone, do things by yourself, love yourself!
GET YOUR LIFE TOGETHER! Learn to be alone and love yourself and stop your clingy negativity! Learn to be a great woman - - for YOURSELF!
8/10/15 ~ RNR ~
~ RNR Wisdom #230 ~
If a person is an ASSHOLE, it's about WHO they are in attitude & personality ...
NOT because of the eyebrows they draw in or the fat they own, or the clothes they wear...
Who says someone is an asshole because they're wearing ugly shoes or their tan makes them look like a Dorito??
If you do..... THEN YOU'RE THE ASSHOLE!!
8/6/15 ~ RNR ~
~ RNR Wisdom #70 ~
You constantly whine about your man. Your friends give you advice. You NEVER take it. Then you come back over and over again with the SAME problems with the same man or different man. IF YOU'RE NOT GOING TO LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE WHO LOVE YOU, stop whining and deal with your problems yourself. It seems you just want the adrenaline of a horrible relationship. Advice is not what you want.... Sympathy and approval is what you want. Be Strong - Move Along 07/18/15 ~ RNR ~
~ RNR Wisdom #36 ~
When fighter chicks get their feelings hurt over haters..... yea that!!! ..... Girl... you ain't meant for the BIG TIME if you act 12 with your fans.
NO MATTER WHO YOU ARE.... you have at least ONE hater! it's what you DO that makes you awesome! Fighting back with 12 yr old words = NO!
6/30/15 ~ RNR ~
~ RNR Wisdom #689 ~
Other people's constant negativity......... can shut me up WAY fast..... I stop listening and go into my own little world to drown out the words of despair. I think people who talk so much negativity, don't notice it themselves. .... it becomes such a habit..... positivity is lost to them. They don't even comprehend that they're negative....... #DONOTEVER ..... reinforce other people's negativity, unless you want to live with it for a lifetime.....
06/25/15 ~ RNR ~
~ RNR Wisdom #157 ~
I don't think twice about . . . . . your negative attitude
I don't think twice about . . . . . your words that try to drag others down . . . cause really, it's YOU
I don't think twice about . . . . . the guilt trip you try to send others on
I don't think twice about . . . . . how your immaturity describes YOU
I don't think twice about . . . . . your unhappiness, because you let it happen to YOURSELF
I don't think twice about . . . . . how you continuously annoy yourself over your past ~ THE PAST IS PAST
I don't think twice about . . . . . how you blame others for YOUR mess . . . RISE ABOVE IT!
I don't think twice about . . . . . how you listen to the wrong people in your life, discounting the RIGHT and GOOD people in your life
I don't think twice about . . . . . how you cannot be happy for others because your life has drama
LESSON: Worry about your own self. Your lessons, your learning, has brought you to this point in life. Everyone else is in their own "season" of life. You have so much more to learn and live ---
~ RNR ~
~ RNR Wisdom #78 ~ Giving lessons to OTHER little girls about boys, when YOU are STILL with immature boys ....... tsk tsk!! Or, if you are CONSTANTLY on the merry-go-round of 12 misguided boys in a year ....... tsk tsk!! Stop giving advice you yourself cannot follow through with. You are bad entertainment and THAT.IS.ALL! No one takes you seriously! Everyone around you LAUGHS AT YOUR RIDICULOUSNESS.... Wait for a good man and stop talking about what other little girls should do WORRY ABOUT YOUR OWN SELF!!! 9/15/14 ~ RNR ~
~ RNR Wisdom #59 ~ Everyone has an opinion.
OPINION - a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge
People can have opinions without you being a pussy and whining like a bitch in heat. If someone has an opinion - it's not for you to get all whored up and hurt, then start hurting other people with your childish words because of someone elses' opinion! If you're in the public eye - NOT EVERYONE LOVES YOU AND NOT EVERYONE CAN BE PERSUADED TO LIKE YOU!! Acting like a whiny 12 year old isn't going to fix anything. So keep your pie hole shut and deal with it. You think your evil words give you power over someone else because their opinion is different from yours??? What you need is courage to STFU and believe in yourself.
YOU HAVE A WHINY DISRESPECTFUL ATTITUDE - expect people to criticize and have opinions about YOU! IF YOU ARE IN THE PUBLIC EYE, expect criticism! IF YOU SAY A WORD, expect criticism! EVERYONE HAS AN OPINION
Just wave and move on! Forget about the people who may be your haters and takers - pay attention to the people who love you and want you to succeed! You are bigger than your hurt feelings, cause your words only make YOU look small and moronic! 9/11/14 ~ RNR ~
~ RNR Wisdom #90 ~
In a great relationship ~~love will f*ck up your make-up
In a good relationship ~~love will f*ck up your make-up
In a horrible relationship ~~love will f*ck up your make-up
4/28/14 ~ RNR ~
~ RNR Wisdom #455 ~
KARMA - - - - is good
But there are times when a whistle blower is needed in life - - to take care of the shenanigans and evil some people produce and spread throughout their entire pitiful life - - to vindicate the victims BEFORE you and save victims in the future.
If not for these people with a big mouth and a voice powerful enough... many, many things in this world would never ever change.
Be thankful for the loud, obnoxious people in your life that keep up the fight!!
They change things FOR you AND They speak up when most people STFU!!
4/2/14 ~ RNR ~
~ RNR Wisdom #4 ~
It's almost SUMMER!!!!!!
Men wearing sunglasses ....
Some... need to leave that shyt ON!!!
3/24/14 ~ RNR ~
~ RNR Wisdom #20 ~
If you think there is nothing wrong with you and you have no vices . . . THINK AGAIN. Think about your attitude towards other people. Think about your hypocrisy. Think about how you use people. Think about the way you judge people wrongly because of YOUR low self-esteem. Think about the snobby way you act towards people you don't know. CHECK YOURSELF..... You are NOT perfect and never will be Take responsibility FOR WHAT YOU ARE NOT!! 03/08/14 ~ RNR ~
~ RNR Wisdom # 569 ~
There will be tons of people who will be jealous of you and be negative about the things you do..... wanting to be like you.... Shutting you off......
However, there will be more than that, who want to be a part of your life, wanting to experience the light you shine....
Envelope those who love you.
Turn away as fast as you can from the people who choose NOT to share your positivity!! 11/24/13 ~ RNR ~
~ RNR Wisdom #147 ~
SO ....... WHAT IS UP with the video of Jenna Jameson being videotaped . . IN HER OWN F'N HOME?? wtf?
People, if you judge and instantly believe . . SlamYourDickInADoor!!
What you do IN YOUR OWN HOME . . . should not be someone else's shyt to judge!
Don't tell me all y'all are angels and don't jack off 12 times a day . . IN YOUR OWN HOME!
Don't judge other peoples' evilness, ESPECIALLY when they are using their own evilness against someone else, to gain something.
99% of the time YOUR JUDGEMENTS WILL BE INCORRECT! 11/20/13 ~ RNR ~
~ RNR Wisdom #311 ~
If you constantly complain about your body hurting and you do NOT exercise ...... That might be your first problem. Go exercise, get stronger and take care of your body.
If you constantly go to the Doctor BECAUSE of your aches and pains BECAUSE you don't take care of yourself - - - Get a LIFE and STFU!!!
I'm dreadfully exhausted of hearing the same whiny problems, but no one wanting to do anything about it, besides go to the Doctor, being a follower and taking meds!
It hurts my ears and I zone out into fairy tale land just so I don't have to listen to your health issues that are brought on by YOU!
I guarantee, taking care of yourself will lessen ALL YOUR sickness, major annoyances and diseases you think you may have! 11/11/13 ~ RNR ~
~ RNR Wisdom #92 ~
If you're dating a bad boy . . . don't expect ANYTHING but bad!! They don't change. And your little girl love won't change them. A snake is a snake... You knew that when you let them into your life and when you play with snakes, you turn into a snake. Changing, is good to a point, but conforming to someone, completely, is a mistake-- sometimes a lifelong mistake. Because of your obsession with your bad boy and your bad decisions, you will miss significant memories with your friends and family. Obsession is right and good, if you have it with the sure things in life!
Your red flag indicator is an intuition. More than 3 red flags in one person, that's 3 strikes!! If you're honest with yourself, it's a perfect clue and can help you move up and away from the snakes of life. 10/18/13 ~ RNR ~
~ RNR Wisdom #153 ~
People will use you and people will abuse you...... leave those idiots! Most of you can't and won't, because you're weak and needy and you don't trust in YOURSELF. You know who the weak ones are. Chances are, YOU just might be too weak to do anything about it ...... I'm sure I'm being a little harsh, but you deserve No Respect if you can't get rid of trash.
Trust me, being alone IS BETTER THAN BEING WITH PIECES OF SHYT......
I have No Respect for weak PEOPLE...... I truly leave the weak people behind! They are useless and will bring you down!!!!!
REMEMBER.... ALWAYS forgive...... but don't put yourself in the path of petty drama, AGAIN AND AGAIN .... 9/29/13 ~ RNR ~
~ RNR Wisdom #101 ~
Some mothers really disturb me ..... your kid isn't gonna die FROM A COLD!!! . . . JUST STOP!! . . . ..... and what makes me more disturbed???? You'd trust your kids life to a doctor.... a pill/chemical pusher, over trusting yourself to take care of your kids, and yourself, the natural way, BEFORE SHYT HAPPENS. Beware of sugar, food dyes, chemicals and DOCTORS prescribing meds! These things are the culprit to many, many allergies, almost every sickness and disease and cancer. People wonder why their kids are all fucked up??? Stop giving them chemicals (foods AND meds). I'm so tired of hearing the CONSTANT whining parents, always upset over their sick kids -- The ones who have never-ending sick kids. I actually have to bite my tongue from reprimanding them about their own inadequacies to properly nourish their children. Actions have consequences. Horrible eating habits always equal horrible consequences.... you reap what you sow!! 9/25/13 ~ RNR ~
~ RNR Wisdom #407 ~
I cannot understand why human beings are SO eager for attention from people who constantly treat them like shyt.... IN PUBLIC and BEHIND CLOSED DOORS!!
If you're still friends with people who disrespect you, that's YOUR FAULT. And it's quite telling!!
I can't honestly give a person proper respect, if they cannot respect themselves enough by taking the high road by staying away from idiots that disrespect them.
I see people disrespecting others and the recipient just takes it. . . . BOTH PEOPLE DO NOT DESERVE RESPECT - - FROM ANYONE!! Their lack of self-esteem and weakness are astounding.
If you disrespect ME once - - - - you will NEVER HAVE TO AGAIN!! You are invisible, You do not deserve my time, You are wasted space in my world.
DO NOT EVER - let disrespect be a permanent part of your life. We all deserve gracious people in our lives, but it's up to you to act upon it.
8/16/13 ~ RNR ~
~ RNR Wisdom #61 ~
It's unreal how people want something that they NEVER give! Why do people dismiss giving compassion and sensitivity to people?
Then, when they finally, and ultimately, need it … they wonder why THEY NEVER GET IT FROM THE PEOPLE THEY NEVER GAVE IT TO!! .
Check YOURSELF, before you check OTHER PEOPLE!!!
8/1/13 ~ RNR ~
~ RNR Wisdom #299 ~
I’m not a “yes” girl….. just because you disagree with me.
I’m not going to change my mind or SHUT THE F*CK UP or AGREE WITH YOU JUST TO BE YOUR FRIEND …. That’s what opinions & diversity are for….. I’m here to NOT STFU!!! So STFU!!
7/27/13 ~ RNR ~
~ RNR Wisdom #55 ~
If you are to have me as your woman .... you must have your self-esteem/jealousy/trust issues in check. I will not change ME at all! You see how I am now???? That is how I will always be….. With love, I will become more loving, and a better woman, but I cannot and will not change who I am for anyone …. EVER AGAIN!!
from..... every woman.....
6/25/13 ~ RNR ~
~ RNR Wisdom #360 ~
You pay someone to turn your business around or take over the marketing or take care of things when you're gone ... that means letting go of YOUR power to let something be different, which will probably result in growth. And if you choose NOT to accept the help you're PAYING FOR, then that is YOUR fault. Don't take it out on the professionals, you hire to GET THE JOB DONE. Change is a very difficult thing for human nature. You think you've handled it a certain way over & over & over again, and it's perfect. But really it's not. Change is inevitable. It's PART of human nature. If a business does not change with the times, consider it finished. Change is required - - ALWAYS! Advice is needed. 6/19/13 ~ RNR ~
~ RNR Wisdom #23 ~
If you're opinionated, that's great.... Everyone needs to have their OWN voice! But if you constantly hurt people with your voice, because you're so adamant about being right, while having your opinion.... That's just rude .... and plain obstinate .... That's NOT, speaking your opinion. Remember, when speaking YOUR opinion, everyone HAS THEIR OWN opinion. Opinion's rarely change. Opinion's are not RIGHT or WRONG. Opinion's are YOUR view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge. Be careful . . Words are strong, powerful, violent creatures.... 6/11/13 ~ RNR ~
~ RNR Wisdom #314 ~
Is the period of happiness worth the unhappiness that follows a breakup?
Must be, because, people get on that love train time & time again. . After getting tossed off, you mope around a while, maybe act out, do something stupid but eventually you are back at that same damn station, ticket in hand, ready to board!! I don’t think that ride is worth it -- I JUST LIKE WATCHING THAT TRAIN, w/everyone else on it, CIRCLE AROUND & AROUND W/OUT ME....:) 6/5/13 ~ RNR ~
~ RNR Wisdom #571 ~
If you're in the public eye...... You HAVE to know you're going to get knocked down and pushed around by people you can't see and/or don't know. And even WORSE by the people you do know! If you don't EXPECT this........ That's YOUR FAULT, Otherwise.......... STFU Haters and takers are everywhere..... Chalk it up to..... 'YOU WANTED THIS, SO TAKE IT BY THE BALLS AND LIVE IT'!!!!! Even the smallest personality has haters and takers...... YOU CHOSE WHAT YOU WANTED..... Take it as a lesson in 'WHAT NOT TO BE'. No retaliation, no words, no action is needed. Be a cry baby by yourself... BE PROUD AND MOVE ALONG You Are Welcome!!! 5/27/13 ~ RNR ~
~ RNR Wisdom #44 ~
Many times I have been screwed over by unprofessional, professional fighters/celebrities who make a career out of getting free shyt... not compensating back per contract. You say I'm a Bitch.... it's because of the dicks who train their ass off for THEIR OWN DISGUSTING SELF WORTH!! Those aren't people, those are low life, scum bag, bottom feeders with a known name worth only bullshyt. I'm, in truth, a classy woman, letting Karma be the justice in this gay parade of life.
Be careful who you back up in life!! Just because they have a name to back THEMSELVES up, doesn't mean they'll back YOU up! 5/24/13 ~ RNR ~
~ RNR Wisdom #35 ~ Once you lose my respect, it's very difficult to get it back. I cut people off in an instant. I don't give 3rd, 4th or 5th chances. I will not waste my energy on anything not worth my time. I don't need drama, especially over the existence of people who disrespect me or others. You do wrong to me - - THAT'S YOUR FAULT!! I will acknowledge you as a person, but there is no respect from me and no exchange of meaningful or noteworthy words. When I see a person disrespecting someone else and the victim continues to interact with the 'perpetrator' as if nothing happened, I disrespect the victim also. Stand UP for yourself! You don't have to cause a scene or say anything... Your actions speak louder than words. Take a step back, away from the person or situation and have courage to take action against any further rudeness. People give their friends, relationships and family, too many chances after they are treated badly. Acting like it's not a big deal when you've been disrespected and then bitching about it - - is complete drama - - and THAT'S YOUR FAULT!!! People who disrespect, don't respect their 'victims', especially when they don't stand up for themselves and keep taking it. You determine how you will be treated. Respect yourself enough to show people how you need to be treated! 5/2/13 ~ RNR ~
~ RNR Wisdom #288 ~ I despise "daddy's/mommy's" who act "holier than thou" when it comes to their kids and the public -- showing the world they act one way, when at home they are totally polar opposites. There are ALWAYS two sides to a story, sometimes three or four! Don't listen to just one side if you plan on making major decisions/judgements on a person's life. What you see in pictures is, most times, NOT real life. If you have to TELL PEOPLE how awesome and UNSELFISH you are with your children, it's hard for me to actually believe it. Continuous, repetitive action through good times AND bad, are the definitive ingredient in ANY story. Don't make judgements over a few pictures or words. Fake people always reveal their true selves -- with time!! 04/18/2013 ~ RNR ~
~ RNR Wisdom #16 ~ I saw this a while ago.....
Things God won’t ask…. God won't ask what kind of car you drove, He'll ask how many people you drove who didn't have transportation
God won't ask the square footage of your house, He'll ask how many people you welcomed into your home
God won't ask about the clothes you had in your closet, He'll ask how many you helped to clothe
God won't ask what your highest salary was, He'll ask if you compromised your character to obtain it
God won't ask what your job title was, He'll ask if you performed your job to the best of your ability
God won't ask how many friends you had, He'll ask how many people to whom you were a friend
God won't ask in what neighborhood you lived, He'll ask how you treated your neighbors
God won't ask about the color of your skin, He'll ask about the content of your character 4/14/2013 ~ RNR ~
~ RNR Wisdom #125 ~ Be your own person...... Changing yourself because of negative things and flaws you see WITHIN yourself, is the ONLY acceptable reason to change YOU! If you change your personality, your appearance or way of life to try to be like someone else or to be accepted among peers/bf/gf, etc... I have No Respect for you.
Trying to be NOT yourself = FAKE
Everyone can tell you're not being yourself. Most of your REAL friends will avoid you! People will stop liking you and associating with you for YOU. It only takes a moment to do something that may wreck your entire life because you were "out of character". Eventually you will crash and try to go back to YOU. Sometimes, it might be too late going back to YOU. There's only one YOU. We don't have long in this life, so be YOU every moment of everyday! ~ RNR ~
~ RNR Wisdom #9 ~ A POEM There's so much trash in this world...... It's in places you go all the time..... Beware of the trash.... or YOU BECOME trash! I throw the trash OUT.......... EVERY F*CKING DAY!.... I can see trash within seconds of it being around me.... Sometimes..... Because trash is made of pretty, precious words, it can be disguised...... When trash reveals itself... TAKE IT OUT AND LET IT GO!!! ~ RNR ~
~ RNR Wisdom #49 ~ I see and hear all over Instagram/FaceBook/Twitter from all sorts of people telling other people, ..... "You don't have haters, shut up"..... Are you kidding me? Everyone has haters. You don't have to be SPECIAL or IMPORTANT to have people who don't like you. It's a fact of life. Haters are people who dislike other people. This hate, most times, is inappropriate and is motivated by jealousy or envy. A hater is 'negative and discourages other people'. All people have someone in their life that's a hater. Then you add social networking and this HATER epidemic runs rampant. As somone's negative or positive "popularity" grows, so do the "haters". So, SHUT UP with your nonsense of the "YOU'RE NOT SPECIAL, YOU DON'T HAVE HATERS" CLUB. It makes us all think you're a hater of those who have more haters than you..... ~ RNR ~
~ RNR Wisdom #278 ~ It takes a strong determined person to open their mouth and stand up for something. Whether it's your opinion or not. There are too many closed-mouth attitudes, sitting on the side lines doing nothing. As long as there's no narrow-minded, chauvinistic, discriminating, personal attacks involved, assertive people bring on change -- whether it's attitudes, ideas, minds, people, groups and/or nations. Sometimes, speaking up saves lives! Don't hate on the people who aren't afraid of being heard, just don't give credit to the violent, extremists who attack people or things viciously and continue with their never-ending, annoying chatter. ~ RNR ~
~ RNR Wisdom #ANSWER-ME-NOW ~ What's up with people expecting an IMMEDIATE response to texts, e-mails, direct messages and/or phone calls?? It seems this mostly applies to chicks and people with low self-esteem/high-maintenance issues who need attention and need it now! AKA-the NOW PEOPLE You 'Now People' need to give us 'Have a Life' people a break. These 'Now People' also want THINGS done FOR them NOW, but will not do anything for people in return. And if they do, IT'S IN THEIR OWN TIME! (I'll save this for another RNR Wisdom!!) Personally, I answer EVERYONE who takes time out of their day to talk to me, but I do it as soon as I possibly can. I have a life, a business, a job, a life, a family, a house, a life, a pool, a huge ass yard, a website and most importantly A LIFE - - as MOST people do! It may take up to 24 hours to digest a complicated or strategic question, but an answer will be given. Why cause yourselves stress being so drama about an idiot answer you NEED back? GIVE US A BREAK!!! And if it's just an 'OK' or a f'n smiley face you need back -- YOU MUST SEEK HELP NOW!! LESSON: Chill out, be respectful and go seek help with your issues ~ RNR ~
~ RNR Wisdom #118 ~ Girls..... You want respect from other women, yet you stay in the same drama situations. When your drama doesn't change, we don't want to hear it. Women have a need to be compassionate, but the drama makes it difficult for us to keep showing it. A perfect analogy, one in which women are familiar: picture a man, talking about what he's going to do and he doesn't take any action to follow through. Now, think about how irritating that is to us! Life is about learning through our bad times and mistakes IN ORDER TO AVOID BAD SITUATIONS IN THE FUTURE. The more you don't learn, the more you need to grow up. LESSON: If you talk about it..... BACK IT UP!! ~ RNR ~
~ RNR Wisdom #53 ~ People are NOT as they seem. There are some humans who's personalities/moods change between good times and bad times. Good times they don't need you..... Bad times they do!! (bf/gf situations usually control these good and bad times). If your friends act like prideful hypocrites during 'joyous' times but continue to come back, over and over again, kissing your ass because "everything in life is messed up" (translation--bf/gf break-up/fight/drama), then they don't know the true meaning of a friendship.... For your own sanity, leave them in the dust..... ~RNR~
~ RNR Wisdom #134 ~ Sometimes, it's not worth holding onto something or someone that gives you drama and grief every single day. Life is too short to worry about others' freakish emotions. If your friends don't understand who you are, your dreams and the kind of person you are, after knowing you for years... it's time to let go. Your paths are completely different. DO NOT EVER let anyone beat you down. Be who you are! If you have to pretend to be someone else when you're around people and not say what you feel... then YOU ARE FAKE. Being yourself is real. It may be tough, but get rid of the shyt that's holding you down, ESPECIALLY THE PEOPLE! ~RNR~