Just a quick word about tax returns/refunds
Do you know what a tax RETURN is???? IF..... you paid too much money in taxes, you will get YOUR money back = REFUND Not ALL of your money back - some of us aren't that lucky! (low income gets more, but that's another blog). Taxes go to the government to sustain FEDERAL FUNDING, among other things. Federal Funding = welfare, planned parenthood, etc. We also fund other countries too..... BILLIONS UPON BILLIONS!! With YOUR tax money! We pay around 0-35% in taxes, depending upon our income. HOWEVER, we also pay state tax, sales tax, gas tax, property tax, nanny tax, etc. That's a lot of taxes.... and these socialists want us to pay MORE taxes! (that's yet another story) If you are complaining about your tax REFUND and how it's less than last year, don't be ignorant..... don't try to be like one of the cool 'hate Trump' kids on the news, because this isn't about Trump! Those people are liars and they are wrong and they think you're stupid. Everyone's paycheck got a boost last year - EVERYONE!! Don't even f*cking lie. Let's imagine you received $10.00 per week extra in your paycheck: 10 x 52 weeks is $520 Last year you got $520 more OF YOUR MONEY in your paychecks. SO..... $520 LESS OF YOUR REFUND ....... Please, don't play into their hands, don't be their sheep --- stand up to them and WALK AWAY!
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