Wasted Time What is this strange epidemic when people of a CERTAIN generation don't have "drive". They have an adrenaline based excitement for playing games. They can waste their education, their youth and their future on things that achieve NO accomplishments in life, yet still be defensive about how their "hobby" enhances their life value. This "drive" for non-quality hobbies, however, runs over into other generations, sometimes turning into an addiction, keeping people away from things that matter most. As time goes by, if not controlled, these attractions will stunt emotional growth, ruin lives and hurt missed opportunities. ANYTHING in excess, is dangerous, especially if it disables you completely. But "gamers" will continue to nourish their time spent, exercising their fingers, to the death. This wasted time ... can turn into a poison that destroys your soul. Police Rant #1 Many of you know, I have a problem with disRESPECT and the BEST/WORST display of all, are callous, cold-blooded police officers. I feel their bad behavior starts as a constant demanding of respect even though they display a horrible grandstanding of NO respect themselves. PLEASE NOTE --- I am NOT putting all cops into this heartless basket, but definitely most!! Policemen, with one false word from their lips, destroy lives. In order to make themselves look positive among their peers and their superiors they will be sure criminals and non-criminals alike are beaten down, emotionally and/or physically .... they falsify items, lie, or control & manipulate, in order to make themselves look better within their little enforcement club. To have ALL bow down to them, emotionally and physically is adrenaline for most of them. For some of them, their home lives are completely different from their "control issue" careers. They might be the nicest, passive men in social situations, but step into their uniform and EVERYONE must bow down. I'm not saying they don't come by it naturally, because when you constantly live in a life/death situation within your JOB scope, your habits are difficult to change. However, there is a difference between criminals and normal everyday people. After years on the force, hardened police officers often forget how to distinguish between the two. Every police officer should have continuing education classes on respect, consideration, dignity for life, honor and self-esteem for oneself, which should include, but not be limited to, respecting the good normal people who pay their salaries through taxes. I don't care WHO YOU ARE, Respect should NEVER be given to people who don't deserve it.
Really, seriously.
When you force yourself into a conversation with me.... I welcome it. I enjoy it. I encourage it!!! However, make sure you have intelligence in your brain to back your words up or know what you're talking about. I will not tolerate trolls barging into my conversations, NOT KNOWING who or what I am and call me RACIST. A poor woman died. Yes, she was a drug addict and it's ALWAYS a "matter of time" for addicts. However...... before she was married to a thug, she was a completely different person. I wish HIM death for depleting a beautiful soul ..... THAT IS MY OPINION! Because a troll comes into my space on a social networking system and rant TO me without even a word back, I know for sure, he is an idiot and he understands this is public property ..... I will copy and paste any stupidity written to me. I do not follow this person and have never talked to him, therefore, I shall share all 6 tweets, word for word..... "Hahaha. Sure, blame a black person, for getting a black person high. Crackhead is a Crackhead. Rest in piss. she has no blame, because she was forced to be with Bobby, and was forced to do crack, and was forced to keep doing it. you are a racist, stupid bitch. and a dumbass victim. Blame someone else for your problems can't be a grown up and take responsibility you and Whitney obviously are non thinking, victims. And will always blame someone for YOUR problems. and I don't give a fuck what else a dumb racist cunt has to say, eat a crack rock and join your idol BITCH. BLOCKED." SUPER BOWL SUNDAY
RNR picks the PATRIOTS ~~ Super Bowl Sunday is the second biggest day of the year for food consumption in the U.S. --- Thanksgiving is first ~~ 4 teams have never been to the Super Bowl — Cleveland Browns, Detroit Lions, Houston Texans and Jacksonville Jaguars ~~ in 80 percent of Super Bowls, the stock market has gone up after an NFC win and down after an AFC win ~~ Beer sales will increase by $17.9 million during Super Bowl week ~~ 3 -- Most Super Bowl MVPs - Joe Montana ~~ Pizza delivery drivers report more accidents to insurance companies today ~~ 5% of viewers will watch the game alone ~~ Every year, more than 700,000 footballs are made for official NFL use. 72 of them are set aside for use during the Super Bowl ~~ Super Bowl I was held in Memorial Coliseum in Los Angeles on Jan. 15, 1967 The Green Bay Packers beat the Kansas City Chiefs, 35-10 ~~ Close to 80% of people who watch the Super Bowl on television, only do so to view the commercials ~~ 35% of people who attend the game will write it off as a corporate expense ~~ The first couple to be shown in bed together on prime time television were: Fred and Wilma Flintstone ~~ 7 million: number of US employees estimated not to show up to work on the Monday after Super Bowl ~~ The Steelers and Cowboys are tied for the most Super Bowl appearances with 8 ~~ 7 -- most amount of losses by any team in the Super Bowl - The Los Angeles Rams ~~ An estimated $10 billion dollars will be wagered on the Super Bowl this year, making it the most wagered event in Super Bowl history. Today is Christmas is Vegas ~~ All of the clocks in the movie "Pulp Fiction" are stuck on 4:20 |
Author~RNR~ The Daily Bitch Archives
January 2016