![]() ~ The Daily Bitch ~ You know how people can suck you in with their stupid, incoherent, non-sensical words, trying to hurt people passive aggressively?? And really, in truth, they know NOTHING of what they speak. So you sit back and watch them keep sitting in the dark, ruining chances and believing lies the inconsequential people in their small lives tell them. It's a pity they will NEVER grow up to see and acknowledge the true beauty around them instead of being stuck in a time warp of someone else's life. They keep drowning in their drama and lay stagnant... in only their pride, to keep them company »» Pride is a killer! Let these people be, yet be loving because they know no better. IF you are one of these people, remember..... THERE ARE ALWAYS THREE SIDES TO A STORY >> the truth, the partial truth and the side you won't listen to. Sometimes being a mature, emotionally healthy adult, means making a change and getting out of the sickness and drama. Sickness and drama become a vicious circle. There ALWAYS comes a TIME to leave your childhood judgements and hate behind... and LIVE..... Chances are, the side you won't listen to is probably the most emotionally healthy side and doesn't want to chance being caught in a cess pool drowning with the rest of you because »»» IT'S UNHEALTHY AND LIFE DOESN'T HAVE TIME FOR BULLSHYT ««« The hardest decisions are the right decisions. Leave the enablers of your life and stand up for your emotional health. Make amends with people, because nothing feels as good as knowing you received information FIRST HAND. AND one day, you'll learn, people are human. We all make mistakes. AND some people are evil, for their own agendas and low self-esteem. Get it right, don't listen to people with their "own agendas", MAKE YOUR OWN DECISIONS about YOUR life and ..... MOVE ALONG ....
~ The Daily Bitch ~
You know what I HATE???? Girlfriends of baby daddies.... acting like mommies to HIS kids.... WHO THE F DO YOU THINK YOU ARE???? THEN.... to make matters worse .... you slam pictures all over social networks showing how great (desperate) your relationship is and the low self-esteem you have seeping from your poor pitiful soul. Trying to prove to baby mama, or rather, to yourself, that YOU matter and THEY don't. When, in fact .......... YOU don't! You will never be THEIR mommy, so quit being so dramatic with your 'imaginary' role, just to brag or show someone else that you have WHAT THEY WANT! Everyone sees your sickness and your childishness . . . Keep your love and your life to yourself, because hurting people ON PURPOSE, is the most SICKEST and the most PSYCHOTIC thing you can do! Worry about your own self - - - - - keep your shyt in your own house when others are involved. That's the price you pay when you are with a man + children! If you break this rule - KARMA WILL BE YOURS! Being mature = keeping the drama under your roof, enjoying your life and knowing deep inside your soul that you're doing the right thing AND being a good role model. Bragging about having someone else's child when they do not ....... IS DISGUSTING AND MAKES YOU LOOK WEAK AND INSIGNIFICANT ....... ~ The Daily Bitch ~
Teenagers don't end their teenage years at 19 anymore. Society doesn't want them to. Mom's and dad's don't want them to ---- 'oh, my poor baby can't find a job; oh my baby needs to have fun one last time, oh my baby's growing up, etc) STFU, you dumb ass parents!! They NEED to grow up and WANT to grow up, but YOU won't let them. STOP giving them money!! STOP spoiling them!! (There's a difference between loving and spoiling) STOP enabling them!! YOU are what's wrong with this world. They should have had a job at 16 or 17, you co-dependent whiny ass, who's in turn, turning your child into a co-dependent whiny ass! GOOD JOB! Make everything easy for your kid, so they'll NEVER understand this world is cruel and difficult. Are you proud of your entitled twenty something year old teenagers? Your kids keep playing you over and over again expecting your "charity" and "kindness". There's only one fool being played, in that game! And there are those of us who look at you with pity!! ~ The Daily Bitch ~
I believe MOST agression is a learned behavior! Chances are, you know people with such issues.... THEREFORE.... if you leave your baby/child with a person who has anger/aggression issues, that you have personally seen and/or witnessed.... YOU NEED SERIOUS HELP!!! YOUR SELF-ESTEEM sucks!!! If you cannot realize your child is worth much more than you GOING ANYWHERE or DOING ANYTHING that you need to leave your precious child in the hands of an idiot ....... YOU MUST be stopped! YOU have illogical thinking! YOU don't deserve children! yes.... I SAID IT!!! "WHAT AMERICA NEEDS IS CHILD CONTROL ............... NOT GUN CONTROL" Parents.... take care of your children!!! Putting them in front of the TV or playing with guns on the TV is NOT taking care of your children. PLAY WITH THEM, LAUGH WITH THEM, GET OFF YOUR PHONES, FACEBOOK AND TWITTER ..... PLAY WITH THEM!!! Enjoy the moments with your kids.. ........ your kids' childhood will be over in an instant ....... Your kids' future depends upon YOU!!! YOU!!! YOU!!!
My heart is always so sad when I see families ignoring each other because of their damn f*cking phones!!! You don't even realize how quick time passes and the moments YOU ARE LOSING BY playing with your phones and your mind on material items and useless things. Facebook/Twitter are NOT as important as your kids... GOD takes away what you do not cherish enough to take care of........ and the biggest gift to us all is TIME!! You don't give your children POSITIVE attention! YOUR CHILD WILL SEEK OUT YOUR NEGATIVE ATTENTION! Attention is Attention/Positive or Negative Kids are smart.... If they don't get your attention and love by just being them, they will do things to GET YOUR ATTENTION! That's when bad behavior starts...... Don't be an idiot and think this is not true!!! People do things to get attention!!! Your anger from the bad stuff they do...... is ATTENTION.... you are raising monsters!!! You will pay for it in ways you never can imagine!! I see kids with horrible behavior..... and I feel sorry for this world. It seems there are more badly behaved children than EVER BEFORE!!! Broken families, single daddy's and mommy's, dating, 'hanging out', shacking up over and over again with different people..... Your kids want YOUR attention, but your attention is always somewhere else. Your kids should be #1 in your life! You had them for a reason, so nurture them, play with them, love them. |
Author~RNR~ The Daily Bitch Archives
January 2016