~ The Daily Bitch ~
Seriously.... When did people start DEFENDING people committing crimes? WTF is a wrong with people? You get caught committing a crime... YOU are wrong! YOU MAY GET SHOT AND DIE... I DON'T CARE WHAT COLOR, GENDER or NATIONALITY YOU ARE! Getting caught and shot could be a serious CONSEQUENCE OF YOUR ACTIONS!! Defending criminals makes you look ridiculous. You're making your own "cause" seem SO unoriginal! JUST STOP!!
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~ The Daily Bitch ~
If you're shaming or bullying people because of THEIR FREEDOM OF CHOICES, OPINIONS AND SPEECH, that you don't agree with or hurts your feelings about YOUR lifestyle or opinions....... SlamYourDickInADoor WorryAboutYourOwnSelf Is this America or am I seeing correctly that you DO NOT want other people to have the freedoms, you SO loosely claim YOU need! YOU feel it's YOUR right to speak YOUR evil words against peoples' own choices..... but THEIR right to speak THEIR opinion is wrong!?!? You're for it or against it..... THAT'S your opinion!!!! But don't start bashing other people just because they don't think like you do...... You actually sound like THEM....... or MAYBE YOU'RE JUST BEING ONE OF THE SHEEPLE! WorryAboutYourOwnSelf!! BeStrongMoveAlong Whether it be pro choice/non choice; racism; flags; gay marriage; religion; presidents; governments; vaccines; cops..... it seems there's a lot of bashing going on from the people WHO CLAIM TO GET BASHED!! WHATtheFUCKINGfuck is that? You claim being "held back" for years, not being able to speak, to live, to believe, yet you bash people, YOURSELF, for speaking what THEIR beliefs and opinions are. There's only one word for that -- hypocrisy! There are more hypocrites all over social media than EVER before. And your hypocrisy is dividing US! Always yelling, "I don't have rights" ---- then you get them and spend your loser life bashing everyone for the beliefs they have that you don't agree with, because YOU feel you finally have a voice AND enough people to back your ass up! <<<<<<<< THAT makes you weak! If you're a hypocrite and spend your time bashing the groups who you claimed bashed you, you will get your KARMA served on a platter. Have conversations - QUIT BASHING!! ~ The Daily Bitch ~ When it comes to divorce or "long term relationships", there are some people who NEVER "get over it", even though everything happens for a reason and/or there were already warning signs. They keep holding onto the past, never releasing the feelings, but holding them in, putting them onto other people and carrying them around every day. Most of the feelings come from knowing it should have ended sooner and they were too stupid to stay in it. Being stuck in the past, really means, being stuck in their anger. Anger, because of the past, is deadly. It brings on stress. Stress on them and stress on ALL THE PEOPLE AROUND THEM. Displaced negativity and anger exudes from their entire body and makes people ugly - emotionally! And making themselves "pretty" in material ways will never hide the underlying repulsiveness they give off. It also brings on their own "victimization" -- constantly talking about how they were wronged, when in reality it's probably the other way around. People listening to them constantly about their "victimization" probably already realize what a liar they are. The stress they feel being around them is exhausting! Kids suffer the most. Having to go through the anger and incessant negativity of a parent, has a very traumatizing effect - even more so than a divorce/split. Having to live with a dick/witch, is a horrible event in life! And they eventually come to their own conclusions when they SEE the truth with their own eyes and they will forever label that parent as a liar. Taking responsibility for their OWN crimes in their marriage/break-up, is the first step to recovering from their past and moving along. They will never have healthy relationships when they're stuck in the past and their horrible whiny/angry/negativity/victim role. No normal person wants to have any kind of relationship with an angry, negative victim. Be Strong - Move Along! |
Author~RNR~ The Daily Bitch Archives
January 2016