~ The Daily Bitch ~
At some point and time, EVERY teenager thinks their problems and life's difficulties are so far above all the problems in the universe. Your poor life, your damn parents, school sucks, homework sucks, your curfew sucks, no car, no money, you can't do anything, etc. It doesn't get better WHEN YOU GET OLDER! If you're older and you STILL think this way about your adult dilemmas, you better learn now, before you damage yourself and others with wasted negative energy. EVERYONE HAS PROBLEMS and yours are NOT bigger than the general population, so DON'T GET IT TWISTED. If you don't stomp this attitude out, you will always believe it and continue to think you are mightier than you really are, while normal people pity your sorry ass noble attitude. Your problems are bigger, so everyone should bow down to you. Your problems are bigger, so you feel entitled. Your problems are bigger, so you need help. Your problems are bigger, so you are extraordinary. Your problems are bigger, so you need more attention. .....AND..... you keep thinking it, therefore your aura keeps exuding it, therefore you keep saying it out loud. (Reminder... you don't need to tell EVERYONE EVERY bad little thing. We've been there! We get life is excruciatingly unpleasant at times BECAUSE WE ARE LIVING IT LIKE YOU!) Stop being proud of your problems and bragging about them. We don't care about your CONSTANT problems because ours ............ ARE as big as yours!! Everyone goes through bad times. Everyone struggles Everyone makes mistakes Everyone has challenges Everyone makes choices they have to live with Everyone has consequences associated with the choices they made Everyone needs to learn the difficult way Everyone has a challenging, demanding, painful life Everyone gets OVER it HOWEVER . . . not Everyone speaks about it . . . . . There have been trillions of people who have been to school, had homework, had jobs, lost jobs, been married, been divorced, been pregnant, had children, had too many bills ------ YOU ARE NOT SPECIAL, so quit constantly whining about all YOUR crap and thinking it's more important than life itself. You NEED to get over your constant feeling of your 'almighty problematic attitude'. Use your energy in a positive way i.e. how great your life is and what you have, rather than the negative, 'my life is a holy hell pit'. You ARE what you think! You ARE positively powerful You WILL conquer and go on You WILL succeed YOUR LIFE CHANGES minute by minute, and has seasons of harsh reality - - - ACCEPT THAT FACT, quit comparing your problems with other people and MOVE ALONG! We have ALL been there, so quit discounting all other humans in life - past, present and future - because YOU think you are SO extraordinary. (which you are but we don't need constant reminding) #GetStrongMoveAlong Remember - - - I say this because I love you!
![]() ~ The Daily Bitch ~ You know how people can suck you in with their stupid, incoherent, non-sensical words, trying to hurt people passive aggressively?? And really, in truth, they know NOTHING of what they speak. So you sit back and watch them keep sitting in the dark, ruining chances and believing lies the inconsequential people in their small lives tell them. It's a pity they will NEVER grow up to see and acknowledge the true beauty around them instead of being stuck in a time warp of someone else's life. They keep drowning in their drama and lay stagnant... in only their pride, to keep them company »» Pride is a killer! Let these people be, yet be loving because they know no better. IF you are one of these people, remember..... THERE ARE ALWAYS THREE SIDES TO A STORY >> the truth, the partial truth and the side you won't listen to. Sometimes being a mature, emotionally healthy adult, means making a change and getting out of the sickness and drama. Sickness and drama become a vicious circle. There ALWAYS comes a TIME to leave your childhood judgements and hate behind... and LIVE..... Chances are, the side you won't listen to is probably the most emotionally healthy side and doesn't want to chance being caught in a cess pool drowning with the rest of you because »»» IT'S UNHEALTHY AND LIFE DOESN'T HAVE TIME FOR BULLSHYT ««« The hardest decisions are the right decisions. Leave the enablers of your life and stand up for your emotional health. Make amends with people, because nothing feels as good as knowing you received information FIRST HAND. AND one day, you'll learn, people are human. We all make mistakes. AND some people are evil, for their own agendas and low self-esteem. Get it right, don't listen to people with their "own agendas", MAKE YOUR OWN DECISIONS about YOUR life and ..... MOVE ALONG .... |
Author~RNR~ The Daily Bitch Archives
January 2016