I was asked by a random, about certain high-maintenance people... we talked for a while & here are my current thoughts:
I just want to erase people from my life.... You know the ones... The ones who keep on doing you wrong in subtle ways!!! Or acting like a total immature brat because he/she has been handed everything on a silver platter. They know NOTHING of the real world and think the world revolves around them, because their parents have done EVERYTHING for them and they EXPECT people to 'take care' of them and their itty bitty feelings!! (their parents probably STILL take care of them in EVERY possible way) Ultimately, these people are high-maintenance douchebags/douchebaggettes who do everything for their own reasons and selfish pleasure. They'll go with the "IN" crowd, even though the "IN" crowd is the "WRONG" crowd. AND eventually... THEY ALWAYS FIGURE OUT IT'S THE WRONG CROWD, expecting you to come back to them because of their "poor me" stories. They habitually manipulate people, because they are controlling dicks and bitches, who keep hurting people to feel superior --- their own inadequacies and jealousy of other people consumes them. However, to the untrained, new acquaintance/friends eye, this person acts completely nice..... So nice, it's completely fake. Working on new people makes them feel in control and popular! Another lifelong disturbing quality.... their constant moaning of how "ILL" they are. This is usually a sign of a disturbing high-maintenance attitude. They use their "frailness/CONSTANT illness" for attention they don't receive any other way. Other peoples' compassion gives them a high. And it's usually from people who don't know their ways yet....... Ugh, I wanna slap these fake people into next week!!!
Author~RNR~ The Daily Bitch Archives
January 2016