~ The Daily Bitch ~
Seriously.... When did people start DEFENDING people committing crimes? WTF is a wrong with people? You get caught committing a crime... YOU are wrong! YOU MAY GET SHOT AND DIE... I DON'T CARE WHAT COLOR, GENDER or NATIONALITY YOU ARE! Getting caught and shot could be a serious CONSEQUENCE OF YOUR ACTIONS!! Defending criminals makes you look ridiculous. You're making your own "cause" seem SO unoriginal! JUST STOP!!
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~ The Daily Bitch ~
Cops get pissy when humans "lawyer up"... IS THAT NOT OUR RIGHT??? Cops get their feelings hurt and take it so personal, that they actually make a point to "go after" the people who stick up for their own rights. Seriously. F'd up cops need mental help!! ~ The Daily Bitch ~
I despise how idiots can start a movement and you sheeple go off .... then YOU become idiots. YOU ARE COMPLETELY OUT OF CONTROL!!! It's happening more and more. Just because one person says something... doesn't mean it's true!!! Check yourselves before you wreck yourselves - literally! This media/twitter/facebook/sheeple/race thing is happening all the time, kids. Soon, no one is going to listen to your BS anymore cause that's all your mouth spouts. Pretty soon you begin believing your own self! Get information before you assume and you hurt yourself and others - - with your words or your actions. But even when the truth is right in front of you, I think most of you don't believe in the truth ... THEN.... you begin fighting the truth!! THEN.... your opinion starts to mean more than the truth!! Sheeple!! You hear pretty words and have no thoughts of your own. You give the media and influential wanna-be's, the power over your own thoughts and mind. Are you proud you're being used?? I'm a natural known and proud cop hater, with reason, HOWEVER, I hate idiots spouting off at the mouth even more. I have No Respect for your quick non-thought out rants, just to push your own agenda or somebody else's. You scream racism, YOU ARE RACISM!! I feel like you ARE racist because you just go off. YOU are now JUDGED and labeled a RACIST because you think before you speak and you pull the racist card WAY TOO MANY TIMES!! In summary, STFU about things you don't know about - - - GET YOUR FACTS, cause you all look like fools and sheeple. This was originally written in May 2012, but only left on the site for 3 hours because of LEGAL ISSUES........
I have been around courtrooms in many capacities - working inside a courthouse, working for a judge, working for attorneys & city attorneys, as a defendant and as a plaintiff. The unethical treatment, from city, county, state & federal employees towards the common public, goes on between not only races, but mostly between social classes. America's judicial system does NOT have a RACE ISSUE.... it's mostly a class issue and a prime example of the control issues which we are faced with, within our governments... on a city, county, state and federal level. Let us explore some big, strong words ...... ~ RACE ~ A group of people united or classified TOGETHER ON THE BASIS OF COMMON HISTORY, NATIONALITY OR GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION; Humans considered as a group ~ RACIST ~ A person with a prejudiced belief that one RACE IS SUPERIOR TO OTHERS ~ DISCRIMINATION ~ the unjust or prejudicial treatment OF DIFFERENT CATEGORIES OF PEOPLE OR THINGS -- RACE, AGE, SEX, GROUP, CLASS All the "necessary people" behind the "scenes" in the courtroom are as unprofessional as you can get. This includes disrespect, callousness, vicious contempt & most of all the blatant rudeness overflowing out of their mouths. These "professionals" are the most degrading bunch of people anywhere and the worst part is... it's acceptable, in a government setting. It's actually expected, to treat ALL the "common" population like dirt. In a courtroom, if you're on the "wrong" side of the room, you are degraded. This special attention is not JUST for the "whites", "blacks", "asians", "mexicans" and/or "low income/economic/social level". This inappropriate demeaning is for EVERYONE not in their clique. All the puppets at the bench and beyond (policemen, attorneys, judges, bailiffs, etc), see ALL OF US as a criminal, as a number and money in their pocket. They NEVER consider the person they are condemning and ridiculing. And... there are no consequences for their bad behavior. It doesn't matter if you're a criminal or not, you will be judged as such. And, as far as their indignant attitudes, there is no such thing as "innocent until proven guilty", even if you are a plaintiff!! Because of their schooling and job titles and because of their bad ethical habits throughout their "important" careers, these "exceptional" caliber of people, use their own kind of DISCRIMINATION against everyone BELOW them. Even the courthouse personnel & security have their own rudeness & yelling to be ashamed of. Talking to the public like they're stupid and don't know what words are. There is no need for instructions to be given in such unacceptable, shrieking and abusive manners. This happens everywhere in our judicial systems, starting with the 5-0. This is discrimination ....... NOT racism. Disclaimer: There are definitely those "professionals" that are wildly NOTHING like the above mentioned. They care enough to fight for what is right and want to do what is right without disrespecting people with their immature attitude, on their climb up the ladder of success. However, this is not the norm. Most of the above mentioned parasites, live in a fantasy land where manipulation is a way of life. They climb the ladder of success by preying on peoples' lives, who are dependent upon them. Wasted Time What is this strange epidemic when people of a CERTAIN generation don't have "drive". They have an adrenaline based excitement for playing games. They can waste their education, their youth and their future on things that achieve NO accomplishments in life, yet still be defensive about how their "hobby" enhances their life value. This "drive" for non-quality hobbies, however, runs over into other generations, sometimes turning into an addiction, keeping people away from things that matter most. As time goes by, if not controlled, these attractions will stunt emotional growth, ruin lives and hurt missed opportunities. ANYTHING in excess, is dangerous, especially if it disables you completely. But "gamers" will continue to nourish their time spent, exercising their fingers, to the death. This wasted time ... can turn into a poison that destroys your soul. Police Rant #1 Many of you know, I have a problem with disRESPECT and the BEST/WORST display of all, are callous, cold-blooded police officers. I feel their bad behavior starts as a constant demanding of respect even though they display a horrible grandstanding of NO respect themselves. PLEASE NOTE --- I am NOT putting all cops into this heartless basket, but definitely most!! Policemen, with one false word from their lips, destroy lives. In order to make themselves look positive among their peers and their superiors they will be sure criminals and non-criminals alike are beaten down, emotionally and/or physically .... they falsify items, lie, or control & manipulate, in order to make themselves look better within their little enforcement club. To have ALL bow down to them, emotionally and physically is adrenaline for most of them. For some of them, their home lives are completely different from their "control issue" careers. They might be the nicest, passive men in social situations, but step into their uniform and EVERYONE must bow down. I'm not saying they don't come by it naturally, because when you constantly live in a life/death situation within your JOB scope, your habits are difficult to change. However, there is a difference between criminals and normal everyday people. After years on the force, hardened police officers often forget how to distinguish between the two. Every police officer should have continuing education classes on respect, consideration, dignity for life, honor and self-esteem for oneself, which should include, but not be limited to, respecting the good normal people who pay their salaries through taxes. I don't care WHO YOU ARE, Respect should NEVER be given to people who don't deserve it. |
Author~RNR~ The Daily Bitch Archives
January 2016