~ The Daily Bitch ~
All y'all are asking people to be REAL and not fake, ALL THE DAMN TIME! Yet when people are themselves and they ARE being true to THEIR opinions and THEIR feelings you block them - out of your life and/or from social networking. (which I don't understand because our pages are our pages and express OUR OWN opinions and a weird amount of people cherish the moments when others reply with constant attention, so it really shouldn't matter) Because of their WRONG opinions, you tell people you don't want to be friends anymore and you tell them by your actions and words that you don't appreciate, or care, who they are as a person, (you LOVE your cause so much that you are blinded by YOUR opinion). That's horribly unfair! In fact, what you are trying to say: "I want people to be REAL. I don't want them to be fake. But when you have an opinion that is different from mine, I want you to shut your mouth and agree with me. OR I'M DONE WITH YOU. So, be fake." I'm really confused by what all y'all want from each other. All I know is, I want the people I'm around to be themselves. If they don't agree with me then, yeah, we can debate it or not. We don't have to throw tantrums until OUR thoughts are the same. Or threaten each other with ruining a friendship. Appreciate people being true to their feelings and emotions and opinions, because that's what you are, in fact, demanding from people constantly! Blocking people and unfriending people and telling people to get out of your life because of their opinion seems a little drastic and seems like you don't have the life skills and tools to cope with other people in your life. All y'all want 'Yes, Sir's' -- people who agree with you ALWAYS. (which actually sounds boring to me, but it's another form of attention that people crave) Just because people have their own opinions of the world, WHERE THERE IS NO 'FACTUAL YES OR NO' TRUTH --- doesn't make them stupid or mean OR WRONG!! When there is 'FACTUAL TRUTH' - PEOPLE CAN BE WRONG! Understand people have their own life experiences! Kids, age, life, illness, death - all have a part in the opinions others have. I respect them for that! Yeah, I might disagree, but my parents, and life, taught me skills, to appreciate, to be tolerant, to learn from others, to understand. Usually, though, people often change their opinions in life, as they age and after they have kids. And I GET that, so, I consider the source and I go on. I can handle scrolling by, not having to make issues out of non-issues that I cannot change. Why would you think you are so 'all powerful' to CHANGE OTHERS' OPINIONS BY threatening them with your friendship and then brag about it????? It makes me sad that people expect tolerance in their own beliefs, yet will give none. Understanding life -- is key! OUR differences make us who we are. Your intolerance of your fellow man says a lot about you, especially in cases that are WAY WAY WAY out of your control!
~ The Daily Bitch ~
You're in love, you're happy, you're spending money, traveling, life is great, you're ALWAYS smiling. Your relationships are awesome and the BEST THING EVER! You can keep talking about your beautiful life, but remember, when life gives you difficult times and horrible storms that last -- death, sadness, pain, illness, suffering, job loss, job stress, depression, life and death decisions - - - THAT IS LIFE! Drinking, partying, going out - that is NOT life. Life is rough, tough and challenging. When life changes - BIG life changes - THAT'S when you can say 'it's working'. THAT'S when you are really joyous, because you trust in that person beside you. You have faith in that person's outlook and future with you, because of words and actions. Because no matter what, they are there - - STILL! Everyone can connect with and bond with people when it's fun. It's when life's disasters hit us, that we truly know the people, lovers, friends who stick by us, that love us - - no matter what happens - - |
Author~RNR~ The Daily Bitch Archives
January 2016