Please remember...... My "Daily RANDOM Bitches" are just that. They are NOT directed towards ANYBODY personally. All of them are from people on my social networking sites, e-mails, direct messages and from going out in the world. Don't be all up on your defensive choo choo train, thinking my "daily bitch" remotely resemble YOU!!!
Cock..... blocking.... on twitter Yes, there is such a thing -- IT HAPPENS ALL THE TIME! From guys AND girls. You'll be talking to someone and then BAM, in comes someone to block that cock. I'm not talking about simple interrupting, because that's what twitter is all about. You can barge into conversations without being rude, 93% of the time and have it still be completely socially acceptable -- (yes, I did a scientific experiment) The cock-blocking, I'm talking about, is usually done constantly. By a single person or many. I mean, really, have you had a piece of this yet? NO!! So, stop being jealous!! Question from twitter . . "What do you do if you're held at gun point by 2 trannies?? Advice??" I'd say... Join them??? or at best..... Get naked and join them??? Are you still keeping up on your resolutions? Resolution: firm determination; resolving to do something; a course of action determined or decided. We make resolutions everyday. But we should have lifelong resolutions. Taking care of our bodies, our minds and our souls. Being beautiful inside and out. Being a good person to ourselves and other people. Finding peace. The key to peace is different with many people. Some people may read, watch TV, play with their children, work, exercise, or enjoy their pets. However, it should NEVER be an obsession or addiction, taking us away from our responsibilities. It seems today's society doesn't LET us be peaceful. Whether it's the news, the government or mother nature, there's always something getting in the way of our peacefulness. I think, that once we have peace within ourselves, people around us have peace. Simply put.... peace eases our anxieties and problems. Finding it is the key. Love ya, my hookers!!!
From 1/18/12
!!SOPA SUCKS!! If you've been trying to figure out SOPA .... here it is... in words and diagrams you can relate to!!! It gets really good about 10 minutes in when it talks about you "protecting" your "work" & GETTING PUNISHED FOR DOING SO!!! BE INFORMED!!! Excellent explanation with diagram for the people who really DON'T know What's up with the 2012 'Titantic' sinking last week?
It was surreal seeing this ship tipped over, like the little toy boats I play with in the bathtub. One very important thing comes to my mind when I think of this devastating event: It DOES NOT surprise me that the crew/passengers didn't know how to correctly handle the safety boats, jackets and equipment. In an adrenaline pumping, life threatening situation, people cannot, and don't, think rationally. Especially when you're not really listening to instructions to begin with. For the patrons of these gigantic watercraft, there is a mandatory meeting, so to speak, on how to save your life if a horrible situation arises. Most people don't attend. Or if they attend, they are listening with a drink in their hand, ready to party and excited to get away from land. Maybe only 2% actually retain this information that could possibly save their lives. Or..... the passengers may think that if something DOES happen, it's the crew's responsibility to help them and save them...... WOW! Giving so much power over your life to people you don't know, astounds me. Picture getting on a flight. The steward 'person' is talking above children crying, fat guys breathing, people adjusting their clothes & seat belts & last minute texting/calling/tweeting/facebooking. No one listens to the teacher. If something did happen to the plane only a few would ACTUALLY be confident in knowing what to do. I wouldn't know what to do. I'd ask my new best friend beside me or freak the F out! We play with the possibilities of something extraordinary happening TO our lives, but never take to heart that it could actually come to fruition. I know I will definitely start listening to the teacher a little more often, when on adventures that could kill me. There was a time, not too long ago, when I thought to myself "I need to believe in miracles again". When my babies were babies, there were so many miracles that happened to us... quite often, they were DAILY occurrences. Many of these miracles were medical in nature. Sickness disappeared or money we needed 'appeared' when I was desperate (jobs, etc., NOT the street corner, bastards) or friends to help at JUST the right time. All these miracles happened because of the constant "on my knees" prayers and desperation in life. When you're by yourself, with no help, sometimes that's all you have! You will do anything for your kids, to have them not hurt or suffer & hide them from the pain. I figured out, I was at a point, that I had forgotten what it was to BELIEVE in miracles, and I actually forgot to BELIEVE in good things. Living EVERY DAY like this, has a way of getting in the way of positive thoughts. There were no negative thoughts either. Just a day to day "get over the day", non-thinking kind of existence. Because no one needed, or wanted, to be a part of my difficulties, there was a constant smile on my face. A wall of laughter. I have found that over the years, it did change my personality. Not for the best. I look back at that bleakness and feel sad at the time that was lost. A period of just existing or of 'trying' to exist. The mask was believable -- even to myself. Don't waste time just existing. Believe in miracles. Have faith in things that can happen, because they do happen. Maybe not in your time, but IN time they do. It doesn't get you anywhere. Whether inside your mind or outside your mind ~~ Feeling sorry for yourself, is NOT attractive. P.S .... DON'T EVER CALL ANYONE FiFi EXCEPT YOUR DOG There are people who really DO live in Fantasy Land.
Thinking everyone & everything is positive and beautiful, is completely non-realistic. The more experiences you have and the more mature you get, PURE reality starts pouring into your sweet innocent brain. Tainting you. Scarring you. (that is another subject on its own) We get our opinions from the things that happen to us, the things we see, the news we watch and the horrible/nice people we meet. These become the lessons in life. Sometimes it's wise to listen to an abundance of opinions/experiences and to take what you can out of the information, making your own wise choices, if, in fact, you have NO experiences of your OWN!! To come to certain opinionated conclusions without experiences you've seen, heard or had done to you, is quite immature to begin with. Sorry, but when you're young, your experiences are JUST GETTING STARTED. Even though some age groups THINK they know everything. They later look back at their naivete and really get the picture of life. Keep your mind open, always. Listen, be aware. Because every experience, even if it's not your own, is a learning experience. When introducing yourself to the opposite sex & in the "getting to know you phase", there is a fine line between bragging about yourself & talking about yourself. We love the humor and intelligence of a person. NOT that you have 18 cars, you're sensitive, you get your nails done at the BEST salon, you have BIG muscles, your sexual ability is uh-ma-zzzing, you're an actress, you're a "sports hero", rock star, cock star and have 3 houses. (The greatest one, "I train UFC" is the most hilarious statement of ALL DoucheBag time) The majority of people don't care about your vain-ness and this actually turns off the "wanting to know you" phase. We don't need the run down of what YOU think makes YOU exist. We can see that you're a good person, that is why we're talking to you. We want to know ABOUT you, not what you think about yourself! This subject intrigues me so much, I could go on forever!! ~Thank you, twitter friends for helping me with this subject~ If you have a Bitch for me or want to ask me a question ..... go to the menu bar above to "Talk To Me Hookers", and leave me a note. I will respond! Why.... is the costliest/most widely known coffee (starts with an "S") jack-me-up so horribly? No matter what kind I try, adding or taking away ingredients, it seems I get more out of control than with ANY OTHER coffee out there! Don't get me wrong! I love being jacked-up! I am more efficient, more creative, more fun and extremely accident-proof... I mean PRONE! However, I cannot do menial household tasks and/or yard work and/or have ANY weapons, around me in this condition -- for fear of hurting myself. The people around me, feel a strong need to cover my mouth with duct tape!! Not just from the amount of talking, but from the outrageous content... (90% of those people would consider that, my best asset). Couch potatoes need to have an IV of this stuff! It should be another FDA approved food group. I remember the days, (not really, cause I'm only 28 (again) but I can visualize, in color, in my deliciously jacked-up state), when a certain Cola had Cocaine in it. Maybe....... as with the Cola, there's a drug in the coffee beans, unknown at this time to the general population. We'll find out later, only to have the government rip it away from us, because they want it all to themselves. Such a pity!! To be rather serious for a moment.... Some people need to go to a counselor to learn how to argue with other people in a correct manner. There is a right way and a wrong way. Talking, discussing, bantering & listening is appropriate. Calling names, slandering & demeaning the other person, is worthy of COMPLETE Chinese torture from society! This kind of arguing is another form of childish bullying. And if a grown adult does this continuously, he/she needs to get help. This is aggressive behavior and is considered verbal harassment, especially if this is habitual. Name calling, usually gives the "aggressor" a feeling of power. When in actuality, it only makes them look immature, hurtful and downright ugly, inside & out! Some parents do this to their children, which leads to the child performing these brutal attack on others, which inevitably tangles into all aspects of their relationships. It's a vicious cycle. And the self-esteem that can be ruined with this talk, is deeply sad! How to avoid these people??? The first time a name is called, quit talking! You will NEVER win!! NEVER... End of Serious-Ness....... I'm including a poll with this Daily Bitch. It makes me feel more precious when there is more involvement from you hookers/best people in all the world!! As most of us know, there's an exciting fight of power & strength coming up against Chael Sonnen & Mark Munoz. I am a true Sonnen fan, so don't EVEN talk shyt about him!! Please vote wisely!! Going to the gym & watching TV is a nightmare the first month of EVERY new year. This New Year Resolution crap is for amateurs.
If you say you're going to do something and wait for the beginning of the year - then how can you have respect for yourself when you eventually give up one month later??! Living clean & good, is a lifestyle. You may get off the "good" living for a bit, but you are an adult... get back on it and DO IT FOR YOU!!! ANYTIME OF THE YEAR!! GRANNY PANTIES! - WTF are they & who the hell thought of these vicious self-esteem destroyers?? (yes, this is what goes through my mind at boring times in my life) Girls, women, hookers .... no BODY should even attempt to put these on ones body! Can you look at yourself in the mirror after that? Do some men find them extraordinarily awesome?? I want to know the reason for GRANNY PANTIES. Please leave me a message after the beep & give this woman some intelligent information!! I know for sure you aren't having any sex, because a man needs & WANTS some visual stimulation. SAY NO TO THE GRANNY PANTIES - ANGER & what it does to some people - Yesterday was filled with unkind, semi-hungover women! Please.... do not chew other people out for your own inadequacies!! I know I do this sometimes (NOT OFTEN AT ALL) to my family. I'm ovulating or I'm tired or I'm hungry AND I snap... This is wrong and socially unacceptable! Yes, I am not perfect. But understanding your failings and making them better is the spice of life. When you are dealing with the public and taking it out on people you don't know, is completely wrong. Home situations, partying too much, relationship and/or mental problems are NOT a reason to go on a verbal war with normal people, like myself. Destroying people in the path before you, is not a normal way to live life. Sometimes, I find myself being so F*CKING nice to people, just to see if they will notice there IS A DIFFERENCE between nice and HATEFUL! I DRIP with nice, sweet sarcasm so much, how can a person not really see themselves & their HATE! After dealing with such people, I am thoroughly & mentally exhausted! Smiling & being nice is a somewhat difficult job, when done in excess. That's why RNR was born...... Really, it is tiring to be nice to disrespectful people (if you're doing it right)! With RNR...... being a bitch & punching people is what needs to be done after a tiring day of niceness in the office. Happy New Year, Hookers
I hope your year is prosperous and full of love .... with more of MY PANTIES!! Be nice, be kind, be happy Be a comfort to other people.... And when disrespect is thrown at you GIVE IT RIGHT BACK... in a mature, professional manner!!! |
Author~RNR~ The Daily Bitch Archives
January 2016