Why.... is the costliest/most widely known coffee (starts with an "S") jack-me-up so horribly? No matter what kind I try, adding or taking away ingredients, it seems I get more out of control than with ANY OTHER coffee out there! Don't get me wrong! I love being jacked-up! I am more efficient, more creative, more fun and extremely accident-proof... I mean PRONE! However, I cannot do menial household tasks and/or yard work and/or have ANY weapons, around me in this condition -- for fear of hurting myself. The people around me, feel a strong need to cover my mouth with duct tape!! Not just from the amount of talking, but from the outrageous content... (90% of those people would consider that, my best asset). Couch potatoes need to have an IV of this stuff! It should be another FDA approved food group. I remember the days, (not really, cause I'm only 28 (again) but I can visualize, in color, in my deliciously jacked-up state), when a certain Cola had Cocaine in it. Maybe....... as with the Cola, there's a drug in the coffee beans, unknown at this time to the general population. We'll find out later, only to have the government rip it away from us, because they want it all to themselves. Such a pity!! To be rather serious for a moment.... Some people need to go to a counselor to learn how to argue with other people in a correct manner. There is a right way and a wrong way. Talking, discussing, bantering & listening is appropriate. Calling names, slandering & demeaning the other person, is worthy of COMPLETE Chinese torture from society! This kind of arguing is another form of childish bullying. And if a grown adult does this continuously, he/she needs to get help. This is aggressive behavior and is considered verbal harassment, especially if this is habitual. Name calling, usually gives the "aggressor" a feeling of power. When in actuality, it only makes them look immature, hurtful and downright ugly, inside & out! Some parents do this to their children, which leads to the child performing these brutal attack on others, which inevitably tangles into all aspects of their relationships. It's a vicious cycle. And the self-esteem that can be ruined with this talk, is deeply sad! How to avoid these people??? The first time a name is called, quit talking! You will NEVER win!! NEVER... End of Serious-Ness....... I'm including a poll with this Daily Bitch. It makes me feel more precious when there is more involvement from you hookers/best people in all the world!! As most of us know, there's an exciting fight of power & strength coming up against Chael Sonnen & Mark Munoz. I am a true Sonnen fan, so don't EVEN talk shyt about him!! Please vote wisely!!
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Author~RNR~ The Daily Bitch Archives
January 2016