~ The Daily Bitch ~
At some point and time, EVERY teenager thinks their problems and life's difficulties are so far above all the problems in the universe. Your poor life, your damn parents, school sucks, homework sucks, your curfew sucks, no car, no money, you can't do anything, etc. It doesn't get better WHEN YOU GET OLDER! If you're older and you STILL think this way about your adult dilemmas, you better learn now, before you damage yourself and others with wasted negative energy. EVERYONE HAS PROBLEMS and yours are NOT bigger than the general population, so DON'T GET IT TWISTED. If you don't stomp this attitude out, you will always believe it and continue to think you are mightier than you really are, while normal people pity your sorry ass noble attitude. Your problems are bigger, so everyone should bow down to you. Your problems are bigger, so you feel entitled. Your problems are bigger, so you need help. Your problems are bigger, so you are extraordinary. Your problems are bigger, so you need more attention. .....AND..... you keep thinking it, therefore your aura keeps exuding it, therefore you keep saying it out loud. (Reminder... you don't need to tell EVERYONE EVERY bad little thing. We've been there! We get life is excruciatingly unpleasant at times BECAUSE WE ARE LIVING IT LIKE YOU!) Stop being proud of your problems and bragging about them. We don't care about your CONSTANT problems because ours ............ ARE as big as yours!! Everyone goes through bad times. Everyone struggles Everyone makes mistakes Everyone has challenges Everyone makes choices they have to live with Everyone has consequences associated with the choices they made Everyone needs to learn the difficult way Everyone has a challenging, demanding, painful life Everyone gets OVER it HOWEVER . . . not Everyone speaks about it . . . . . There have been trillions of people who have been to school, had homework, had jobs, lost jobs, been married, been divorced, been pregnant, had children, had too many bills ------ YOU ARE NOT SPECIAL, so quit constantly whining about all YOUR crap and thinking it's more important than life itself. You NEED to get over your constant feeling of your 'almighty problematic attitude'. Use your energy in a positive way i.e. how great your life is and what you have, rather than the negative, 'my life is a holy hell pit'. You ARE what you think! You ARE positively powerful You WILL conquer and go on You WILL succeed YOUR LIFE CHANGES minute by minute, and has seasons of harsh reality - - - ACCEPT THAT FACT, quit comparing your problems with other people and MOVE ALONG! We have ALL been there, so quit discounting all other humans in life - past, present and future - because YOU think you are SO extraordinary. (which you are but we don't need constant reminding) #GetStrongMoveAlong Remember - - - I say this because I love you!
~ The Daily Bitch ~
You know what I HATE???? Girlfriends of baby daddies.... acting like mommies to HIS kids.... WHO THE F DO YOU THINK YOU ARE???? THEN.... to make matters worse .... you slam pictures all over social networks showing how great (desperate) your relationship is and the low self-esteem you have seeping from your poor pitiful soul. Trying to prove to baby mama, or rather, to yourself, that YOU matter and THEY don't. When, in fact .......... YOU don't! You will never be THEIR mommy, so quit being so dramatic with your 'imaginary' role, just to brag or show someone else that you have WHAT THEY WANT! Everyone sees your sickness and your childishness . . . Keep your love and your life to yourself, because hurting people ON PURPOSE, is the most SICKEST and the most PSYCHOTIC thing you can do! Worry about your own self - - - - - keep your shyt in your own house when others are involved. That's the price you pay when you are with a man + children! If you break this rule - KARMA WILL BE YOURS! Being mature = keeping the drama under your roof, enjoying your life and knowing deep inside your soul that you're doing the right thing AND being a good role model. Bragging about having someone else's child when they do not ....... IS DISGUSTING AND MAKES YOU LOOK WEAK AND INSIGNIFICANT ....... ~ The Daily Bitch ~
Do you have that one fabulous, unique friend who constantly talks or posts about what they have? For some people, it's always about material possessions and what other people are always doing FOR THEM, which ultimately shows, to themselves, how special they are and that we should think so too. These people are unhappy - they don't know their own worth, so they have to publicize the only thing that makes them feel worthy. Normal people don't care about what you have..... People should care about who you are as a person. (if they don't, then you need to choose different friends, but that is another toxic topic) Your constant high-mantenance "see what I have and what I have makes me better" attitude is so disturbing, it turns real people off and make us feel embarrassed for you. Bragging about having stuff, where you're going and who you think you are, does not make you special.... it kinda makes you pitiful. If that's all you have to talk about, please save us! Change your habits, close your mouth and learn how NOT to speak of the world and it's material items you gain and what they emotionally do for you. There are people who really DO live in Fantasy Land.
Thinking everyone & everything is positive and beautiful, is completely non-realistic. The more experiences you have and the more mature you get, PURE reality starts pouring into your sweet innocent brain. Tainting you. Scarring you. (that is another subject on its own) We get our opinions from the things that happen to us, the things we see, the news we watch and the horrible/nice people we meet. These become the lessons in life. Sometimes it's wise to listen to an abundance of opinions/experiences and to take what you can out of the information, making your own wise choices, if, in fact, you have NO experiences of your OWN!! To come to certain opinionated conclusions without experiences you've seen, heard or had done to you, is quite immature to begin with. Sorry, but when you're young, your experiences are JUST GETTING STARTED. Even though some age groups THINK they know everything. They later look back at their naivete and really get the picture of life. Keep your mind open, always. Listen, be aware. Because every experience, even if it's not your own, is a learning experience. When introducing yourself to the opposite sex & in the "getting to know you phase", there is a fine line between bragging about yourself & talking about yourself. We love the humor and intelligence of a person. NOT that you have 18 cars, you're sensitive, you get your nails done at the BEST salon, you have BIG muscles, your sexual ability is uh-ma-zzzing, you're an actress, you're a "sports hero", rock star, cock star and have 3 houses. (The greatest one, "I train UFC" is the most hilarious statement of ALL DoucheBag time) The majority of people don't care about your vain-ness and this actually turns off the "wanting to know you" phase. We don't need the run down of what YOU think makes YOU exist. We can see that you're a good person, that is why we're talking to you. We want to know ABOUT you, not what you think about yourself! This subject intrigues me so much, I could go on forever!! ~Thank you, twitter friends for helping me with this subject~ If you have a Bitch for me or want to ask me a question ..... go to the menu bar above to "Talk To Me Hookers", and leave me a note. I will respond! |
Author~RNR~ The Daily Bitch Archives
January 2016