~ The Daily Bitch ~
Do you honestly listen to what Dr's say to you, when it pertains to your health?? Dr's don't even know you . . . Dr's don't care about you. Just because a Doctor says it - doesn't mean it's true. You need to do what's right for your family. A Doctor tells you how to "take care" of your newborn/baby/child, PLEASE BE INFORMED BEFORE YOU BELIEVE whatever he/she tells you - shots, food, formula, medications, etc. A Doctor wants to give you medication, PLEASE BE INFORMED BEFORE YOU INGEST. A Doctor is not God, not all-knowing. Go with your instincts, they are there for a reason. People trusting their entire lives and family to a Doctor - - - actually disturb me. You should trust in YOURSELVES to do what's right for your loved ones! A Doctor just wants you to shut up and hide your problems, NOT MAKE YOU BETTER. In many cases, they only want you to come back for more!! They get PAID to see you, they get PAID to give you meds, they get PAID to say things to you, they get PAID to scare you. Gather your information from the Dr, then go home and do your research. Are the side effects worth being rid of something, when you can rid yourself naturally of your original ailment with no side effects? One side effect leads to more meds, then those side effects lead to more meds. Doctors don't tell you HOW to take care of yourself - you've got to do that for yourself, because in this life there really is no one to trust - other than yourself. You are ultimately the only one that can fix your family's health issues. Ask knowledgeable friends, go on the internet to several sites and be informed about ALL situations and conditions you go through. Your kids, dogs, family, friends and you, can all benefit from your knowledge. "Lack of appreciation of potential hazards of environment and food contaminants DRIVE UP HEALTH CARE COSTS" 99% of ailments can be reduced by clean eating and exercise. Food is medicine, medicine is food!!!
~ The Daily Bitch ~
I believe MOST agression is a learned behavior! Chances are, you know people with such issues.... THEREFORE.... if you leave your baby/child with a person who has anger/aggression issues, that you have personally seen and/or witnessed.... YOU NEED SERIOUS HELP!!! YOUR SELF-ESTEEM sucks!!! If you cannot realize your child is worth much more than you GOING ANYWHERE or DOING ANYTHING that you need to leave your precious child in the hands of an idiot ....... YOU MUST be stopped! YOU have illogical thinking! YOU don't deserve children! yes.... I SAID IT!!! ~ The Daily Bitch ~
7/2/13 Making sure your family is eating healthy and ingesting the least amount of toxins in their diet ......... NOW THAT'S TAKING TIME AND HAVING REAL LOVE !!!!! My take?? If you don't take time to take care of your family, by teaching them what is good and right for their body ..... YOU SUCK BALLS Cheeto's and soda ............... are not an acceptable breakfast for your children..... why would you HATE your children so much????? It's not their fault you were selfish and had them. Did you not want children to teach them right from wrong???? To raise them to be big and strong??? Food is strength..... NATURAL GOOD FOOD. Not a disgusting bad habit!! But food is also DEATH.... a slow dying, then quick painful death. That's how much you love your children.... you give in to easy and quick, because you're weak. Make a difference in your child's life. SAY NO TO CRAP food. Be the parent! Be strong! At this rate, their death will be before yours. Be the parent! DO NOT allow your children to boss you around. You should know what's good and right. Being lazy and killing your kids is stupid and ignorant. Unfortunately, idiots are given the right to make choices for their kids. BELIEVE THIS: No crap No sickness.... I KNOW THIS, I SEE THIS.... ~ SENSELESS CREDIT WHERE CREDIT SHOULD NOT BE GIVEN ~
It's disgusting to me, that people who work hard and deserve credit for their good work, seem to not gain as much attention and credit as others who whine and complain about NOT having the credit, when they do nothing to deserve the credit. A prime example.... Our school system..... The kids, who work their ass off for "A" grades get absolutely nothing that they SHOULD, compared to kids who get lower grades. (This includes attention, because negative attention is the exact same thing as positive attention, to our brain) Our society gives these "low grade" students every chance in the world to "get their grades up", even though they've ALREADY had every chance in the world. This includes silly stupid things from bringing cupcakes in to their teacher, getting signatures on a piece of paper from a parent or bringing canned food in for poor people. These great brainstorms, are getting more senseless and foolish as the years go by. This type of "extra credit work" makes the "A grade" student feel like he/she has worked for nothing. The constant re-evaluation teachers give our "low-grade" students, tend to make the "A grade" students think, "why should I work so hard for my grades when all I have to do at the end of the semester is to bring in a can of chili"...... Of course, working for the good things in life is the ultimate goal, but we are teaching children that there is ALWAYS an easy way out. This sense of entitlement and "the easy way out" attitude is being ingrained into our minds. There is NOT an easy way out in the real world. You FUCK up in life ----- A CAN OF CHILI ISN'T GOING TO HELP YOU!! This is MY take on dicks & bitches who involve their kids too early in a relationship with YOUR significant "flavor" of the month.
You are a complete tool - man or woman - if you constantly introduce your kids to your unstable relationships! What goes around comes around - You're teaching your kids your disgusting prostitute habits. Don't be surprised WHEN, not if, your kids turn out just like you -- unable to have reliable, happy, well-balanced, enduring relationships. Oh, you think you're not hurting your kids emotions??? ...... SELFISH MUCH...... ??? You know what a whiny, bitch-ass punk you become when YOUR merry-go-round relationships don't work out for you and how fucked up you get --- now imagine a child with emotions more immature than yours! Promiscuous & unhealthy relationship traits begin with you as a parent and seeing you give your "friends" in-n-out privileges through your bedroom door, gives your child the right to think it's normal. It's NOT normal, you pig!! Have some restraint and patience. Believe in yourself enough to wait and see if things will work out. Have respect for yourself and tell your "flavor of the month", the reason for not meeting your kid(s). If they don't like it, then you know what they wanted to begin with. Your kids emotional well-being is so much more important than their impatience --- OR YOURS!! You want to be promiscuous & co-dependent --- do it without your kid knowing --- for at least 4 months. Don't fool yourself, Cinderella - after the 4 months of a new affair - it is NOT a storybook romance. During that early period, everything IS wonderful, happy and beautiful. But if you can't wait until after that happy time is over to involve your child's immature, loving emotions, you're are THE ultimate douchebag/douchebagette. And it shows the world what a tramp/man whore you are and what you actually think about your kids' well-being. You had kids for a reason.... to show them REAL love, teach them right from wrong and give them a great start in life, so they become a wonderful person -- WITHOUT YOUR SHIT BLOCKING THEIR PATH. Do yourself a loving favor.... spend YOUR quality time with YOUR kids. Not a loser you're only with for a 5-minute roller coaster ride during your child's itty bitty life. Your co-dependency needs to take a back seat to your child's precious, young soul. P.S......... These are my opinions, don't get all butt-hurt & defensive.... I'm discussing merry-go-round relationships... not long-term happy, rational relationships!! As a side note.... FOR MOST OF YOU ... a RELATIONSHIP = 3 month hook-up, so let's all call it that. A NORMAL RELATIONSHIP is actually a dependence, alliance, kinship - which 3 months does not make! After your storybook romance of 3 months... the arguing, fighting and jealousy does not = a relationship!! After a while, people laugh at you behind your back.... so quit your "I'm so in love" talk. |
Author~RNR~ The Daily Bitch Archives
January 2016