There are people who really DO live in Fantasy Land.
Thinking everyone & everything is positive and beautiful, is completely non-realistic. The more experiences you have and the more mature you get, PURE reality starts pouring into your sweet innocent brain. Tainting you. Scarring you. (that is another subject on its own) We get our opinions from the things that happen to us, the things we see, the news we watch and the horrible/nice people we meet. These become the lessons in life. Sometimes it's wise to listen to an abundance of opinions/experiences and to take what you can out of the information, making your own wise choices, if, in fact, you have NO experiences of your OWN!! To come to certain opinionated conclusions without experiences you've seen, heard or had done to you, is quite immature to begin with. Sorry, but when you're young, your experiences are JUST GETTING STARTED. Even though some age groups THINK they know everything. They later look back at their naivete and really get the picture of life. Keep your mind open, always. Listen, be aware. Because every experience, even if it's not your own, is a learning experience. When introducing yourself to the opposite sex & in the "getting to know you phase", there is a fine line between bragging about yourself & talking about yourself. We love the humor and intelligence of a person. NOT that you have 18 cars, you're sensitive, you get your nails done at the BEST salon, you have BIG muscles, your sexual ability is uh-ma-zzzing, you're an actress, you're a "sports hero", rock star, cock star and have 3 houses. (The greatest one, "I train UFC" is the most hilarious statement of ALL DoucheBag time) The majority of people don't care about your vain-ness and this actually turns off the "wanting to know you" phase. We don't need the run down of what YOU think makes YOU exist. We can see that you're a good person, that is why we're talking to you. We want to know ABOUT you, not what you think about yourself! This subject intrigues me so much, I could go on forever!! ~Thank you, twitter friends for helping me with this subject~ If you have a Bitch for me or want to ask me a question ..... go to the menu bar above to "Talk To Me Hookers", and leave me a note. I will respond!
Author~RNR~ The Daily Bitch Archives
January 2016