~ The Daily Bitch ~
Kindness isn't kindness if you expect a reward or a pat on the back. Because you shouted out your hand out, DOES NOT mean you gave from the bottom of your heart, it means you're selfish and you want everyone to acknowledge what you did, hence, your reward!! And wanting followers and recognition for your CONSTANT "business charity" shenanigans???? .... NO RESPECT! You think you deserve respect because you give to a charity? You think you're someone special because you give books and clothes to a low-income family?? You think you deserve high praise from those around you or from God because you gave $5.00 to a homeless person?? KEEP your giving TO YOURSELF!!! If you tell everyone about your good deeds, it wasnt a good deed. If you tell people about any kind of giving you do - - you did it for yourself! You need affirmation to feel good about who you are = immature. Give because you want to!! Not to shout it to the world of the good you've done. Telling people about how you give, defeats the purpose ---- STOP THAT SHYT!! Giving in secret should be enough of a reward for yourself. Give out of love for people less fortunate than you. DO IT FOR THEM not for you!!
Author~RNR~ The Daily Bitch Archives
January 2016