~ The Daily Bitch ~
If people don’t take the advice you give….. Is it their fault? Or ... should you just shut your mouth??? People often want to make mistakes themselves and do things THEIR way, which is most likely the EASY way. People want results with no hard work. Unfortunately, the best results don't happen that way. When honestly asking for advice, sometimes you need to let go & let other people who know more than you, help you. You hate your job.... QUIT..... or QUIT COMPLAINING. People sympathize with you, but to feel sorry for you for months or years, is re-dick! You get sunburned & look old, yet don't want to hear about the damage the sun will do to you, deal with it! If you keep living an unhealthy lifestyle, you will get sick and have health problems. It's not difficult to understand. Reading up on your health issues, taking the proper advice and WORKING yourself to health is what's required. Take advice and live it. When you keep complaining about how awful you feel, yet you do NOTHING about it, is a complete drag on people trying to help you. You keep gaining weight, smoking, drinking and eating shyt food, expect your negative results. You don't try to help yourself or take the correct advice, you will NEVER feel better. You keep exercising in your jeans, expect people to talk about the ridiculous-ness of your choices. If someone is trying to help you with your OOOOOOMPA LOOOOOOMPA color of your skin and you don't listen, expect people to talk about the silly-ness of your choices. If you leave the house in clothing not appropriate to your age or status and you don't listen to the people who love you, expect people to talk about the wrong-ness of your choices. If you go to Wal-Mart in your pajamas and Crocs, expect people to talk about the undesirable-ness of your choices. If you have a line where your make-up ends on your chin, expect to walk around all day like that, if you won't accept a little constructive criticism on how to apply make-up. Of course, it's different, when taking advice from someone who doesn't know a thing about what they're talking about. You will not get great gardening advice from a person who knows nothing about gardening. A heavy person is NOT the correct information specialist on healthy eating. A Doctor will NOT give you good advice on how to take care of your body naturally because he's getting PAID to give you medications that will HURT YOU AND KEEP YOU COMING BACK TO HIM. Always Always consider the source you get advice from. Remember this through life ..... take all the information from all your friends, the internet, from anywhere. Then have them roll around in your head like a mature person and do the difficult thing, which is usually the right thing. Learn from things people try to help you with... Advice or helping, which is it... or does it really matter? Or better yet, DON'T GIVE ADVICE. Don't help people out. Maybe those people need to learn for themselves and understand that sometimes, advice is better given to dogs, because they don't understand and listen just like some people. Living in a world of 'NO ADVICE GIVEN' is pretty difficult though, when your friends are relying on you to give your two-cents worth. If you don't say a word, they think you don't care or you're being a snob or bitch. Life seriously cannot work that way. We help out and give advice to everyone we're around. In reality, keeping quiet can sometimes do more harm in any kind of relationship than anything else. If you're the advice "giver" and you know your shyt ... Remember, a weak person does not take criticism, advice or receive help from anyone. You will have to turn away from giving anything, if your words are continually unheard. Remember, an AskHole is a person who constantly asks for advice yet always does the opposite of what you told them. These are MY thoughts... what I say is my problem. You don't like it, go suck it! I do the Daily Bitch for a reason--- TO BITCH! DUH!
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~ The Daily Bitch ~
If you're desperate...... You will do anything..... It's sad that we can't do everything before we get desperate....... Think about what you're consuming AND what you're feeding YOUR KIDS!! YOU WILL GET SICK AND GET CANCER, then you will be desperate to eat clean, which may be too little too late. (I'm not even going into what we put ON our body. Most lotions and ALL sunscreens are chemical nightmares!! Doing MORE harm than good!) Stay away from Monsanto/additives/preservatives/meat/sugars.... There's a reason cancer is an epidemic.... THINK ABOUT IT... JUICE IT, BABY! Look at all the ingredients ... IF YOU CAN'T READ IT...... DON'T EAT IT!!!! You think drinking soda is harmless?? #SlamYourDickInADoor You seriously CANNOT BE THAT NAIVE!!!!!!! There is arsenic in chicken (along with hormones, etc) ORGANIC & FREE RANGE chickens too! The FDA ok'd adding this POISON, LONG LONG LONG ago, to kill disease in chickens!! YET WE GIVE IT TO OURSELVES AND OUR CHILDREN Arsenic + 30 yrs in our body = #DUH Meat is the worst thing you can put into your body. I agree with a healthy lifestyle AND having Monsanto food on occasion...... DON'T REVERSE THAT SENTENCE! Eating CAN KILL YOU! Organic ---- that word has been twisted so much... MONSANTO now calls their stuff ORGANIC & NATURAL and SO DO THE SODA COMPANIES!!! (which in reality Monsanto IS the FDA AND the big soda/snack companies) Don't be fooled by WORDS.... look at the ingredients!!! Google 'arsenic in chicken' |
Author~RNR~ The Daily Bitch Archives
January 2016