~ The Daily Bitch ~
At some point and time, EVERY teenager thinks their problems and life's difficulties are so far above all the problems in the universe. Your poor life, your damn parents, school sucks, homework sucks, your curfew sucks, no car, no money, you can't do anything, etc. It doesn't get better WHEN YOU GET OLDER! If you're older and you STILL think this way about your adult dilemmas, you better learn now, before you damage yourself and others with wasted negative energy. EVERYONE HAS PROBLEMS and yours are NOT bigger than the general population, so DON'T GET IT TWISTED. If you don't stomp this attitude out, you will always believe it and continue to think you are mightier than you really are, while normal people pity your sorry ass noble attitude. Your problems are bigger, so everyone should bow down to you. Your problems are bigger, so you feel entitled. Your problems are bigger, so you need help. Your problems are bigger, so you are extraordinary. Your problems are bigger, so you need more attention. .....AND..... you keep thinking it, therefore your aura keeps exuding it, therefore you keep saying it out loud. (Reminder... you don't need to tell EVERYONE EVERY bad little thing. We've been there! We get life is excruciatingly unpleasant at times BECAUSE WE ARE LIVING IT LIKE YOU!) Stop being proud of your problems and bragging about them. We don't care about your CONSTANT problems because ours ............ ARE as big as yours!! Everyone goes through bad times. Everyone struggles Everyone makes mistakes Everyone has challenges Everyone makes choices they have to live with Everyone has consequences associated with the choices they made Everyone needs to learn the difficult way Everyone has a challenging, demanding, painful life Everyone gets OVER it HOWEVER . . . not Everyone speaks about it . . . . . There have been trillions of people who have been to school, had homework, had jobs, lost jobs, been married, been divorced, been pregnant, had children, had too many bills ------ YOU ARE NOT SPECIAL, so quit constantly whining about all YOUR crap and thinking it's more important than life itself. You NEED to get over your constant feeling of your 'almighty problematic attitude'. Use your energy in a positive way i.e. how great your life is and what you have, rather than the negative, 'my life is a holy hell pit'. You ARE what you think! You ARE positively powerful You WILL conquer and go on You WILL succeed YOUR LIFE CHANGES minute by minute, and has seasons of harsh reality - - - ACCEPT THAT FACT, quit comparing your problems with other people and MOVE ALONG! We have ALL been there, so quit discounting all other humans in life - past, present and future - because YOU think you are SO extraordinary. (which you are but we don't need constant reminding) #GetStrongMoveAlong Remember - - - I say this because I love you!
~ The Daily Bitch ~
Teenagers don't end their teenage years at 19 anymore. Society doesn't want them to. Mom's and dad's don't want them to ---- 'oh, my poor baby can't find a job; oh my baby needs to have fun one last time, oh my baby's growing up, etc) STFU, you dumb ass parents!! They NEED to grow up and WANT to grow up, but YOU won't let them. STOP giving them money!! STOP spoiling them!! (There's a difference between loving and spoiling) STOP enabling them!! YOU are what's wrong with this world. They should have had a job at 16 or 17, you co-dependent whiny ass, who's in turn, turning your child into a co-dependent whiny ass! GOOD JOB! Make everything easy for your kid, so they'll NEVER understand this world is cruel and difficult. Are you proud of your entitled twenty something year old teenagers? Your kids keep playing you over and over again expecting your "charity" and "kindness". There's only one fool being played, in that game! And there are those of us who look at you with pity!! I was asked by a random, about certain high-maintenance people... we talked for a while & here are my current thoughts:
I just want to erase people from my life.... You know the ones... The ones who keep on doing you wrong in subtle ways!!! Or acting like a total immature brat because he/she has been handed everything on a silver platter. They know NOTHING of the real world and think the world revolves around them, because their parents have done EVERYTHING for them and they EXPECT people to 'take care' of them and their itty bitty feelings!! (their parents probably STILL take care of them in EVERY possible way) Ultimately, these people are high-maintenance douchebags/douchebaggettes who do everything for their own reasons and selfish pleasure. They'll go with the "IN" crowd, even though the "IN" crowd is the "WRONG" crowd. AND eventually... THEY ALWAYS FIGURE OUT IT'S THE WRONG CROWD, expecting you to come back to them because of their "poor me" stories. They habitually manipulate people, because they are controlling dicks and bitches, who keep hurting people to feel superior --- their own inadequacies and jealousy of other people consumes them. However, to the untrained, new acquaintance/friends eye, this person acts completely nice..... So nice, it's completely fake. Working on new people makes them feel in control and popular! Another lifelong disturbing quality.... their constant moaning of how "ILL" they are. This is usually a sign of a disturbing high-maintenance attitude. They use their "frailness/CONSTANT illness" for attention they don't receive any other way. Other peoples' compassion gives them a high. And it's usually from people who don't know their ways yet....... Ugh, I wanna slap these fake people into next week!!! ~ SENSELESS CREDIT WHERE CREDIT SHOULD NOT BE GIVEN ~
It's disgusting to me, that people who work hard and deserve credit for their good work, seem to not gain as much attention and credit as others who whine and complain about NOT having the credit, when they do nothing to deserve the credit. A prime example.... Our school system..... The kids, who work their ass off for "A" grades get absolutely nothing that they SHOULD, compared to kids who get lower grades. (This includes attention, because negative attention is the exact same thing as positive attention, to our brain) Our society gives these "low grade" students every chance in the world to "get their grades up", even though they've ALREADY had every chance in the world. This includes silly stupid things from bringing cupcakes in to their teacher, getting signatures on a piece of paper from a parent or bringing canned food in for poor people. These great brainstorms, are getting more senseless and foolish as the years go by. This type of "extra credit work" makes the "A grade" student feel like he/she has worked for nothing. The constant re-evaluation teachers give our "low-grade" students, tend to make the "A grade" students think, "why should I work so hard for my grades when all I have to do at the end of the semester is to bring in a can of chili"...... Of course, working for the good things in life is the ultimate goal, but we are teaching children that there is ALWAYS an easy way out. This sense of entitlement and "the easy way out" attitude is being ingrained into our minds. There is NOT an easy way out in the real world. You FUCK up in life ----- A CAN OF CHILI ISN'T GOING TO HELP YOU!! |
Author~RNR~ The Daily Bitch Archives
January 2016